The Small Monster

by Avi Green

Sciurus Rex was an anthropomorphic squirrel on the planet Urartu, who was one of the most wanted criminals in its history. He committed serial murder, sexual assault and arson across a number of cities on the planet. It had taken time to capture him, as he was prone to use his diminutive stature to evade capture both by flying, and tunneling underground. But finally, authorities succeeded in capturing and imprisoning him, using special technology to trap, disarm and imprison him.

He was, however, one of the most notorious victimologists, acting as though his small size made his vile deeds dismissable. And he put that victimology to use during his trial too. The judge overseeing the tribunal, however, thankfully wasn't buying it.

"To think," said justice Susan Petrosiyan, "that somebody would commit acts of terrorism across our planet, and claim most contemptuously that size matters! You, Sciurus Rex, have committed some of the most horrifically evil deeds against helpless women and children, and actually expect we're going to go easy upon you because you're diminutive?"

"Yes, I do!" yelled Sciurus Rex from the security cage in which he was kept. "I'm small, and putting  small people on trial is wrong!"

"What do think murder and rape are, then?" asked judge Petrosiyan. "You actually think your size makes your heinous crimes legal a billion years ago? Absolutely not, and your victimology here is as inexcusable as your crimes. What we see here is somebody who does not see human beings before him. A small yet sadistic barbarian who believes his size – to say nothing of his ideological beliefs – make it legal for him to 'give and take' as he alone sees fit. He will never walk the surface of this planet's terra firma ever again. I hereby sentence Sciurus Rex to 5 life sentences without parole, along with 65 years in addition to that amount. And he will spend the remainder of his life in an isolated box."

"You'll pay for this, you insolent, so-called judge!" screamed Sciurus Rex as the cage he was in was carried away by court security.

"I guess we can add another 65 years for contempt of court." said judge Petrosiyan, as the diminutive terrorist was taken to the special prison he'd be kept in. "Let this serve as a vital lesson – size isn't what matters. Personal behavior and character are. It's a vital lesson that must be learned by future generations if we want to retain a coherent society and values."

Within several years, Sciurus Rex perished in his cell, having lived about the span an intergalactic rodent could be expected to last. He was not missed by the populace of Urartu who were familiar with his heinous criminal record.

Copyright 2025 Avi Green. All rights reserved.

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